$2599USD, cheap tickets from LAXtoKOZHIKODE,INDIA travel Dates 14Dec201210Jan2013
Cheap flights from LAX to 2599 USD Cheap flight from LAX Cheap flight to KOZHIKODE, INDIA Departure: Friday 14 Dec ARRIVAL: Saturday 15 Dec Please verify flight times prior to departure EMIRATES EK 0216 Duration: 15hr(s) :45min(s) LAX LOS ANGELES, CA DXB DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMI Aircraft: BOEING 777-200LR JET Distance (in Miles): 8339 Stop(s):…
TravelItineraryfromDENtoKOZHIKODE,INDIA travel Dates May03-Jun12
Thursday May 3 DEN DENVER, CO DFW DALLAS FT WORTH, TX AMERICAN AIRLINES AA 0446 Check-In Departing At 7:25am Not Available Arriving At 10:25am Not Available Please verify flight times prior to departure Save your trip Receive flight notifications Update your social network Log In My Profile Notify Me Edit Here Thursday May 3 DFW DALLAS…