Travel Ticket Prices

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US $ 75 Retreat / Closing Ceremony at Indo Pak Border – Wagah Village India

Retreat / Closing Ceremony at Indo Pak Border – Wagah Village India

Duration 4hrs approx

The venue is the international border between India and Pakistan. The pomp and pageantry of the Beating Retreat and the Change of Guard within handshaking distance of the Indian and Pakistani forces makes for a most charming spectacle. The daily highlight is the evening “Beating the Retreat” ceremony. Soldiers from both countries march in perfect drill, going through the steps of bringing down their respective national flags. As the sun goes down, nationalistic fervour rises and lights are switched on marking the end of the day amidst thunderous applause

Timings: around 1800hrs

No bags of any sort are permitted into the border area — leave them in your room or you’ll waste time trying to find a locker facility. Bring your passport to speed up your entry to the “special seating” area reserved for guests and foreigners

Land Cost: – transportation, English speaking guide, Monument entrance fees and applicable taxes

Subject to minimum 1 person US $ 75 nett

Subject to minimum 2 person US $ 38 nett per person

Subject to minimum 3 person US $ 27 nett per person

Subject to minimum 4 person US $ 24 nett per person

Subject to minimum 5 person US $ 27 nett per person

Subject to minimum 6 person US $ 25 nett per person

The Land cost does not include, tips to driver and guide and any expenses which are not specified in “Land Cost section”