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Visit Palitana the Jain temple city

Pratap Tur

Palitana is the Jain temple city, an essential holy pilgrimage destination for this nonviolent community.

A city of gleaming marble monuments housing representations of the few human souls that have managed to be liberated from the cycle of life, Palitana has over 850 temples atop sacred Mount Satrunjaya (the “hill that conquers enemies”),which makes it highest number of temple city. The interesting fact about these Jain temples is they are made out of white marble. Each and every idol of God has gold underneath it. The God eyes are colored only

Many of these temples date to 15-16th centuries while some of them date to even earlier periods.

The top is reached by climbing (or by being carried up) 3,572 steps—a stiff 2-hour ascent and fasting…. with no food or water.

The ascent is usually commenced in the morning without eating or drinking. While climbing the hill you are not supposed to eat or drink anything. Once you reach the top you can only get a small bowl of curd. If you eat the curd or need to use the restroom – you have to take shower and change into your pooja clothes. Pooja clothes have to be new .

Once you finish your Pooja and climb down, you can vist the Dharamshala which provides you with free food throughout the day. Jains usually finish dinner before sunset.

Amid the massive warren of white marble shrines and temples, you’ll encounter many devotees dressed in white, some wearing gauze masks to filter innocent microbes from the air that they breathe. Some of the devotees attain ecstatic heights, practicing their faith with devotional singing, clapping, and humming. Others create devotional patterns on the ground using rice and nuts, or are seen gently waving fly-whisks over the idols as a gesture of respect.

You can buy very good quality Indian handicrafts in Palitana. Palitana is famous for its Bhel with Pomegranate seeds and sugarcane juice.




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