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— May 2, 2012 —

Development Fee at CSI Airport (BOM)

The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) in India vide Order No 02/2012-13 dated 16th April, 2012 has granted permission to levy Development Fee (DF) for passengers departing from Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM) effective 2st May, 2012 for a period of 23 months.
Name of Fee Development Fee
Code YM
Effective Ticketing Date 02 May 2012
Effective Travel date 02 May 2012
Application Per passenger departing
Domestic departure INR 113
International departure INR 675
Administrator Mumbai International Airport Ltd
  • Infants (children age under 2 years)
  • Persons travelling on official duty on aircraft operated by Indian Armed Forces
  • Holders of Diplomatic passports
  • Airline crew on duty including sky marshals and crew on board (does not include Dead Head Crew or ground personnel)
  • Transit/Transfer Passengers (up to 24 hours). A passenger is treated in transit only if onward travel journey is within 24 hrs from arrival into Mumbai and is part of the same ticket, in case 2 separate tickets are issued it would not be treated as a transit passenger.”
  • Involuntary rerouting due technical problem or weather conditions
  • Persons travelling on official duty for UN Peace Keeping Missions

This charge to be collected on the ticket by all airlines. 
The tax is interlineable. The lifting carrier is responsible for remittance. 

The fee is inclusive of Service Tax.

IATA has confirmed update on their system and distributed to all GDS for implementation.



