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Travel to India – Learn some Hindi

Hindi is the national language of India. If you can learn some basic Hindi Vocabulary you will be able to survive your trip tn any city in India.
Some of the most common words can be found here

Meaning: Hindi: Pronunciation: Usage: Hindi: Pronunciation:
comfort, rest Aarama aaraam (m)
China caina ciin (m)
Chinese cainai ciinii
curry kri. k`i curry
country dðSa desha (m)
crop Psala fasal (f)
condition hala haal (m)
chair kØsaiü kursii (f)
chili peppers emacaü mirca (f)
copy, fake, imitation nakla nakal (f)
choice, liking pasand pasand (f)
complete, whole, full paÜra puuraa
colorful rùga ebarùgaa rang-birangaa
color rùga rang (m)
colourful rùgaina rangiin
custom ervaaja rivaaj (m)
can, be able to saknaa saknaa [-ne]
century Sataabdi shataabdii (f)
city Sahr sheher (m)
cotton saÜta suut (m)
cotton (adj.) saÜtai suutii

The list of colors can be found here

On to other Colors
Color Hindi Phonetic
View Pop Media Pronunciation
Black kalaa kaalaa
Blue nailaa niilaa
Brown BaÜra bhuuraa
Gold saØnahra sunaharaa
Green hra haraa
Khaki Kaaki khaakii
Orange naarøgai naarangii
Pink gaØlaabai gulaabii
Purple baòøganai bainganii
Red laala laal
Silver caaúdi caandii
Slate slaðXi sleTii
White safðd safed
Yellow pailaa piilaa

Happy Journey!


